
Monday, 8 February 2016

Hattie Newman visit

I'll start this off by saying Hattie Newman's practice and mine have very little in common but her talk was still interesting and there were still things I took away from it.

One of the things she does that I am quite curious about is window displays, I won't go as far as say it is something I am going to do but it does interest me. She has also dabbled in animation which again is an interest but not particularly something I'm going to pursue. But she did talk about fashion which I am interested in getting into but in Hattie's case it was advertising for fashion companies where as I want to design my own fabric and design t-shirts.

Some things which inspired Hattie was the Muppets and Thunderbirds which are things I remember quite fondly from my own childhood.

She mainly does editorial stuff which Fig Taylor advised me against so a lot of what she talked about in regards to that didn't really strike a cord.

She told us when it comes to clients they like to see you are always pushing your work in new directions and that you never stop pursuing to develop further as an artist. And she stressed the importance of making connections within the industry. 

Her work was fascinating, she made her sculptures from paper each taking her weeks or months to create.

This was her design for The Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park map, she said this was one of the most challenging projects she had ever worked one because everything had to be in exactly the right place where in other projects she could get away with things being a bit inaccurate.

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