
Friday, 27 June 2014

My Artwork and Inspiration

Here are some framed paintings/drawings of Pokemon characters I did recently in the style of Okami, Okami is a video game based on a range of Japanese folklore.

Here are some art and screenshots from the games Okami and Okamiden
I love the art style of these games, which is based of traditional Japanese ink paintings 

I also did this commission for a girl who contacted me through Facebook this will be being shipped out to her as soon as she gets her next pay check.

Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Interesting Things I have stumbled on

by GoBoiano Creator Shenkouhei

Original Artwork by GoBoiano Creator Yuki

Amazing installation, 'Dialogue With Absence' by Chiharu Shiota
Acrylic paint (LUCAS) waterproof pens (Faber Castell) on canvas shoes

For: Anke

Theme: Okami ( FANART) all rights of the characters by Hideki Kamiya/Capcom

By Bobsmade

interesting links

Monday, 23 June 2014

AVDWT Progress and The Red Paintings 23rd of June

I have done another page since my last progress update and selected two other quotes I want to make work around. 

 I really enjoyed creating this page, I actually painted the page with 4 different nail varnishes which gives the page a really nice feel both literally and aesthetically. I then used white Posca over the top with a quote I felt fit the page. The quote I chose was about Franks cousin Blyth who used a flamethrower created by Franks brother Eric to incinerate their pet rabbits. In the right corner I used black, red and white Posca markers to draw the rabbits a flame.

The woman's face ties into the other quote I used on this page which was about one of his uncles committing suicide because of the death of his only daughter Esmeralda, who was murdered by Frank. 

I am really please with how this page turned out, I spent about three days putting it together and it my far my favorite so far. I will probably try the nail varnish technique again on one of the new pages I'm working on, the quote for that page is "I could feel myself starting to slide off to sleep; I began to imagine and see all sorts of weird things behind my eyes: maze-shapes and spreading areas of unknown colours, then fantastic buildings and spaceships and weapons and landscapes". This quote was taken from page 42.

This is some stage painting I did back in February with a band called The Red Paintings the alternative model I painted is Ava Castle. To see more human canvases click the link below this picture.

Sunday, 22 June 2014

My Experience at Headlander Festival

I'm planning to post a AVDWT Progress post tomorrow, I haven't done to much on it for a few days due to prepping for my stall at Headlander Festival.

This is the first stall I have done were the money I have made went into double figures. I earned £26 over seven items.

 My first customer came quite early on at about half one (we started trading at twelve). In total we had five customers. Most wanted to know if I was going to be doing the market today or if I was going to be selling my artwork at comicon. I have concidered trading at comicon's before but I never ended up going through with it. But I'm going to look into trading at Doki Doki which is held in Manchester every two years I believe. A few people told me they had seen worse artwork being sold at bigger comicon's like Mcm, complements like that gave me quiet a ego boost.

As for the stall today I didn't realize people could do both days but I'm glad I only chose to do the one since it was a long day and chances were I would be on my own on the second day.

But here are some pictures of my stall.

My best selling items were notebooks and mini canvases.
I had my mini canvases at £3.50 but after quite a few people picked them up seemed to like them just to put them down and move on I knocked off the 50p to see if that would do the trick, and it did. By the end of the day I sold two one couple was so happy with the mini canvas and notebook I had sold them they gave me a bear I presume they won from somewhere.

The notebooks that sold were the A6 and A4 notebooks, I'm starting to think when I have an item priced at for example £2.50 the extra 50p puts people off.

After looking at the other stalls I saw they were using crates to make more levels on their stalls. I'll have to try and fine some for future stalls. I may also get some storage box's to put in bigger items like my folders and tote bags so people can rummage through them and so I can spare some space on the table for other items. 

I only bought a few notebooks to test the waters with them but after this stall I'll be looking to buy them in bulk.

If any of the items on my stall caught your eye the leftover items are available to buy from me please check out my facebook page for more info

Friday, 20 June 2014

Tips for holding a stall

Tips for holding a stall and selling your own artwork

1.Presentation is key

Have key pieces even if you are selling them for a high price display them it'll draw in customers, potential clients and contacts.

Having different levels plays a big role in  making your stall visually interesting, potential customers will take more time to look than if you have everything on one level. To achieve different levels use box's of varying sizes and put them under your table cloth, if your selling canvases invest in some cheap easels I got mine from here the works

An easy way to add interest is to have a table cloth that stands out in the pictures below all I'm using is some curtains but they stand out from the rest of the stalls that have a plain Jane black table cloth.

Also make sure you properly label your products, people don't like to ask about prices so try not to make them ask.

Before using levels.

After using levels.

2. You don't have to spend much 

(spend more on stock, less on presentation)

As I said in tip number one as a table cloth I use curtains so you don't have to go spending a tonne of money to make your table look better. You are having a stall to sell your products not the table your products are sitting on, even though good presentation is good practice don't go mad spending all your money on it until you are better established.

The scheme I take part in means I get a free table BUT this is normally not the case so pick and chose your events wisely, work like mine wouldn't do well selling at a church but would sell in Manchester or Camden. Think about your audience and where they are more likely to be, then invest in the table fee's for events in those areas. The free stall I do normally doesn't really suit my audience but it's still great for handing out business cards and promoting my business. 

Instead of replacing your price tags every time get some pieces of MDF or stones which will be easy to write/draw on and paint them in blackboard paint. I used Posca pens on mine since they are liquid chalk pens they don't rub off easy but with a bit of elbow grease it should come off, if worse comes to worse you can always give them another lick of blackboard paint. These also add interest to your table.

3. Know the competition 

Have someone with you to mind the stall while you go undercover and have a snoop at the competition. Try and avoid setting up near bigger stalls than your own THEY WILL pull attention away from you if you have a smaller stall. On my first stall I unknowingly set up my stall right opposite a massive stall and they drew people away from my stall all day. 

Size up the competition are your products stronger than theirs? No, then don't set up next to or opposite them if you can help it. 

Be friendly exchange business cards and talk to them the people at my first market were very nice and gave me loads of tips. Make friends, if the day is long and you haven't made many sales it's good to have a friend in the know to cheer you up.

4. Have plenty of business cards on hand

Better to have to many than to run out before the event is over. Be sure to offer your business cards to people some people maybe reluctant to pick them up or forget to pick one up, if they say no don't be offended business cards tend to get thrown away anyway. It's also handy to have a friend who is willing to go and give some out to get people who wouldn't otherwise check out your stall to come over and check it out.

Make your business cards eye catching, don't skimp on your business card design think of it as a miniature showcase of what you can do.

5. More lower priced items

On markets in particular lower priced items are your best sellers on the day. Have a good range of lower to mid priced items and a few higher priced items. I have a few higher priced canvases I display to draw potential customers in. People don't tend to come to markets especially to spend on stuff they wouldn't normally buy, they tend to go to them with whatever money they have on them at the time.

6. Price your items right 

Remember to cover the cost of materials you use to make that product and then think about how much effort you put into making the product. Try not to price too high or too low, I originally priced my tote bags at £10 and ended up reducing them down to £7.50 which I think is a much better price and it still covers my costs and yields a nice little profit.

7. Have fun

It's always nice to have your work complemented even if you don't sell anything. Don't get upset if you don't sell anything.

8. Have a Facebook page

Having a Facebook page for my business was the best thing I ever did, I have made more sales after the markets then on the markets, by posting everything I have for sale and the prices. Also to go with this get yourself a Paypal it makes everything so much easier.

My Facebook page

I hope these tips helped you out please comment if you have any other questions.

Prep for the Headlander Festival

RaelDanger will be attending the Headlander Festival

on the 21/06/2014 from 12:00 pm – 6:00 pm
Stockport Rugby Club
Headlands Road

Here is some of the products I will have for sale.

Poison Status Effect Needle Felted Earrings £4 

Customized Ring Binder £5
Ruled Notebooks 
A4 £4
A5 £3.50
A6 £3
A7 £2.50
Mini canvases and Small canvases
Mini £3.50
Small £5
 Small Drawstring Bags 
perfect for gifts or cosmetics 
£2.50 each
Tote bags £7.50
Needle Felted Kokeshi Doll £8
Alice Bands £2

If you are interested in any of these items please contact me on my facebook page. I also do custom orders check out my price list or drop me a message for more info.

Thursday, 19 June 2014

Needle felted Kokeshi doll

Today I decided to make a needle felted Kokeshi doll.

Kokeshi, are Japanese dolls, originally from northern Japan. They are handmade and tend to be made from wood.

Several things inspired me to make my Kokeshi doll.

I was on YouTube and I saw this video pop up in my recommendations, I found out the YouTuber Maqaroon/Joanna Zhou actually designed some of the Momiji figures/dolls I own.

The three at the back are three out of five dolls I own which has been designed by Joanna Zhou. Under her YouTube/Brand Name Maqaroon she makes craft tutorials my favorites being needle felting video's. 


In my mind I must have put two and two together and thought hey maybe I should try and needle felt a Kokeshi doll. I didn't use any tutorials to aid in the creation of my Kokeshi doll.

I used this picture as reference for the size, shape, hair and details of my doll. I didn't want to use Momiji dolls as a reference because they are a pre-established brand.

This was the end result 

Idea's for next time 
  • Animal style
  • Lighter colour Kimono or Yukata
  • Less traditional 
  • More detail (on the Kimono/Yukata)
  • More hair accessories
  • Unfelted elements could be added such as beads, buttons and ribbons
  • Photograph outside for nicer background and lighting
These are now available to custom order from me for £12 each, pre-made ones will be sold for £8 each contact me on my facebook page if you are interested Raelxarts.

Other Kokeshi images that inspire me

Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Inspiration 18th of June

One of the artists that caught my eye recently is Jenni Illustrations, She does very cute manga styled illustrations currently her work seems to be based on personifying food products as seen in this picture. 

Pocky is a Japanese snack food produced by Ezaki Glico. Pocky was first sold in 1966,and consists of chocolate-coated biscuit sticks. It was named after the Japanese onomatopoetic word pokkin.
Jenni Illustrations on tumblr

The next artist that caught my eye is an artist by the name of
Faigy this piece is an A4 pencil & charcoal sketch. The feel of this drawing really reminded me of my current project, and I would like to try something like this in my sketchbook. So far I have stuck to colour because that is what I tend to like and it is what I'm comfortable with. This sketch also reminds me of traditional Japanese paintings. The black background really helps the subtle details Faigy has put into this piece.

The next piece is by artist Lu Cong, the piece is called “Michelle Irene II”- Oil on panel (2008).
I love the hair on this piece it looks so natural. The subtle undertone that contribute to her overall skin tone is what makes this painting so stunning.
Found on

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

AVDWT Progress and Jellie Bee 17th of June

I haven't managed to read much more of "The Wasp Factory" just yet but I'll be sure to sit down and read some more at some point today. But yesterday I made a leather cover for my sketchbook, the inside still needs some work but I'm still pretty pleased with how it's turned out thus far.

I went into town and bought two bags of leather scraps for £1.99 per bag and bought some fabric that has the feel and texture of blackout blinds and used that as a base for the cover. Once I constructed the cover on top I cut away most of the base fabric. The only issues I had is I ran out of hot glue and that the book cover ended up being a bit small to remedy this I added some more leather to the edges. For decoration I added some stud stickers I also bought while I was in town. I didn't want this cover to look neat at all so I added some standard brown twine to tie the cover as a closure. The cover still need a bit more work and I shall no doubt be adding more to it over time. 

I also went back to the page on Leviticus an drew what I think he should look like next to the extract I talked about in my last post.

In none project related news I made a video about some stickers and prints I ordered from an artist called Jellie Bee.

Artists I have been looking at:

Tara McPherson
'Supernova' - Invite image for Tara's upcoming show at Merry Karnowsky

Unlike most of the work I look at Tara's work has more of a block colour feel to it. I love this piece in particular because of how it draws the eye in, the black of the background really pushes the character out from everything else. I really like that the stars and hearts in bubbles are passing through the heart shaped hole in the girls chest.  I could sit here all day and analyse this image that the bubbles around the small hearts could symbolize how the artist is protecting herself from getting attached  due to previous heart break hence the heart shaped hole.

Adolie Day is a Frence based ex textile designer of 3 years working in children's fashion, who has now taken up illustration. Most of her illustrations are inspired by fairy tales, she also likes to draw retro styled characters. She works in a range of mediums most prominently (for me at least) watercolour. Her style ranges from detailed to beautifully simplistic.

Pages and articles I have been looking at
In pictures: Art on the Street 2014